If your organisation has a highly efficient documentation infrastructure as described in the previous engagement steps, then SourceOne can be used very effectively to maintain your content on long or short-term contracts.

Content production using the solutions that SourceOne implements is much more efficient than traditional tools and techniques. For small organisations with often variable workloads, full-time in-house documentation roles are usually no longer required and outsourcing to SourceOne provides a flexible opportunity to reduce payroll costs and ongoing training requirements.

The comprehensive documentation produced by SourceOne includes professional branding with appropriate logos, layout, and colour schemes, with emphasis on plain language writing, use of ample whitespace and clear headings, and clickable table of contents, glossary and keyword indexes sections for efficient content navigation.

Content maintained by SourceOne is typically performed using our own hardware remotely via VPN solutions and cloud-based task management (with some in-person meetings only when necessary). Detailed time recording and audit is available.

SourceOne. Documentation, engineered.